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Port Waterhouse Receives EU Grant for New Boat House

Over the past six months we have been working hard to secure EU Grant Funding (Rural Development) to support the build of our new Boat House at Port Waterhouse. It has been a long and detailed process but we are delighted to announce that we were successful in obtaining funding at the September committee meeting.

The project aim is to develop a new two-storey building of ~2000sq.ft (the current building being ~500sq.ft) which will provide toilet & shower facilities and a clubhouse area along with improved secure storage for small craft for new and existing customers alike.

The new building will enable the business to diversify its customer base to those with non-powered craft and others who do not necessarily require water access, but want to take advantage of a premium facility by the water in this AONB. The space provided will enable the business to offer a wider variety of services and events. The new building will improve access and ensure customer comfort encouraging a longer tourist season.

Public estuary access on the Eastern side of the estuary is rare given that the majority of foreshore is in private, residential ownership and these improved facilities will create a long-term sustainable business offering access to the water for a wider audience.

Special thanks go to Carol Trant and her colleagues at the DR Company who did a fantastic job of guiding us through the process and helping us to secure this funding.


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